Saturday, October 10, 2009


Ok, a question for men out there? Why do men just want one thing from me? Do I just have that look or what? Any why do they like my Ass so much????
I really would like to find a man who can appreciate my strengths and weaknesses. A man who can lift me higher and love me for me. I want to find a love that is unconditional and a man who will be there for me through it all. Until then I'm going to be single and free, finding myself after a divorce and all the things that you go through, the thoughts, the feelings the laughter and the tears. I'm amazed what a turn this year has brought my life and to my boys. Never in my life would I have thought I would be in this position, a single mom of 3 boys. I'm in the position I'm in for a reason, I'm still searching for that reason, I know it's going to make me stronger and I'm learning alot through this process. There is alot of depth to me, so I hope to find someone who is similar. I'm a strong woman I know, but even strong womean have a tuff time dealing with tuff situations...
I'm blogging this just cause its good for me to express myself.
My boys have to be my focus, I'm trying to find hobbies and things to fill my time to fill my emptiness, there is alot the world has to offer, and I don't want that. I don't want to be lost anymore than I've already been. I'm searching for the peace that I felt before. I'm doing alot of soul searching and been in my head alot, that's a hard place to be. Sifting through the dirt of my life.
I'll be good, I just needed to get these thoughts out there. Thanks for reading!

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