Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Audrey's Parents back to Utah

Mom and Dad home back from their Mission to Indonesia All is well there, I talked to my mom today that was nice. They just got home last night.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Sunday's Message

Home Teachers came today with a nice message-Mat 6:20-21 "But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where theives do not break through nor steal." " For where your treasures is, there will your heart be also."
Love that passage of scriptures. Our children are definately our treasures. We have actually been talking alot today of adoption. We'd really like to adopt a girl or two, someday. Depending on where we move depends on the next step as far as adotion goes for us. We have found much happiness in our little family. We have been blessed! Guess that's why have been tested to much lately...

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Finally we see the SUN!

We wolk up to Sun after a week of Crappy weather, We took full advantage of it and left the house..We went to Sao Sabastian Steve snorkeled, he got us some hermit crabs for the turtle cage, the kids had a blast! then later to Praia and check out the Circus animals, The Cicus has come to the island, then we went on an afternoon drive. FEELS LIKE SUMMER!

Friday, April 25, 2008

Cont. Long Day!

Ok Steve got home from work @8pm last night then was home for maybe an Hour..then left to the Radar again, babysitting at the Radar...Got home this morning 9am...then slept all day...I've been missing my Adult interaction...The kids are what keep me sain on days like this. Kylor counted to 100 by himself and then I pulled out the bubbles and let them play for a while! Everything on base is closed, so we just had a movie night just me and the boys (Steve still snoozing) he was so tired...I took some pictures and caught up on laundry that Lucia didn't finish...Lucia helps out so much...

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Long day!

Today was a long day! Steve worked from 4am-almost 9pm (16 hr day), he had to go to the Radar across island and found that it had been broken into! They found Stolen tools and smashed a laptop, he had to stay with the Radar all day due to the incident. I'm sick of THEFT! It's such a big problem here. Happens on a weekly occurance. That's one thing I can't stand are liars and stealers. I would have to say I'm tired of dishonestly that goes on here.
Kylor and Orion are growing so much seems like I'm doing Commisary runs much more often, they are wanting to eat much more now...I knew these days were coming...
Quinn is eating cheerios, and baby food now. I'm still feeding him Boob milk but he's starting to bite down so he's ready for the real thing...He'll be eating Steaks by the time he turns 1 at this rate. Quinn will probably breastfeed until he's 1 cause he ain't taken a bottle.
With Steve working his long hours I'm exhausted too! He was supposed to take his Psych Clep test today but had to change the day to next friday, so he's taking Clep English and Psych next week right after each other. Audrey has pretty much been staying home to keep the family afloat and organized. Orion has school off tomorrow Portuguese Holiday!

Audrey @ Orion's Pre-School

I had the chance to teach Orion's class yesterday, I taught them a song "Popcorn popping" I guess it would have been easier had them know english already, but most the kids Speak only Portuguese, They seemed happy to learn a English song. We sang it over and over just so they could learn the words...they got most of it! It was fun too! The kids are so cute! I'm so glad I've been able to learn some Portuguese it's so Awesome! There is one girl in his class named Filipa, We'd bring her home in a heartbeat if they'd let us...She's Orion's age and she's so cute!!! They learned my name and were asked by Guida the teacher to draw a picture of Orion's Mae (MoM) explaining my features brown hair, green eyes, brown clothes etc. it was neat...We have 6 months left on this island and I'm so happy to be able to experience this place.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Close call!

It's been raining so much...Today I was proud of Orion he came down stairs all dressed by himself ready to get to school. Yes he even had underwear!!! WOOT! I was suprized I usually help him and he's definately not a morning person, like his mama!
Quinn is 6 months today, I took him down to Praia to get his pics done, and I had a close call getting a parking ticket, oops! I was so scared, They have strick laws here of where you can park, I've never messed up before, but it was a pain finding a parking spot today, so I got creative and parked were I could. A place I didnt think would be a problem, other cars were parked there, The cop was waiting for me when I got back to the car,the Police officer was not sure if I was American or Portuguese I told him I was American but spoke little Portuguese and he continued to speak in Portuguese to me I understood most of it, basically telling me, stay for 5 mintues and another guy from the station will come and talk to you. I waited and I was nervous, Quinn need to eat so I sat there in the Van door feeding him, Tickets here are expensive anywhere from $500-$1000 depending on the offense and I lucked out! The head officer guy came and just told me I couldnt park there and He would just give me a warning this time!! I was so glad! Then he told me to me then I booked it outta there before he change his mind...
** Also this week, We've been invaded by ANTS** They are crazy here! Ants season is offically here** I wolk up yesterday morning and there was a trail in our house through the door and around the corner, some on the coutch what they were looking for who knows, the food was all put up*** What a pain! They just came and sprayed last week cause we had them in the kitchen sink 2 weekends ago...I can't wait for Summer to get warm and kill them all off***

Monday, April 21, 2008

Study week

Steve is clepping Pyschology this week (thursday). He's trying to get his CCAF (Associates through comunity college of the Air Force) before we leave this place in Nov. Go Steve!!! (2 more classes and that's it) I've been helping him a little with it, but he's pretty much got it in the bag. I'm so proud of him!
I was right about Orion being in a funk the other day, Ky and Orion both were, their tummies began hurting, so that explains the craziness here. Sick kids!
Quinton, has been teething lots today, he's the drooling bug in the house..I hope those teeth break through soon, he's been pretty crabby!
We signed Kylor up for half day Summer school so he has something to do this summer and not get too bored, plus it will help the transition from K to 1st grade. It's only for 4 weeks June- July we have thought about getting the boys into Karate for 2 months too. We can't wait for summer to start!!!!! It's not coming fast enough.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

I'm greatful for our Boys!

This is a email I got this's a nice one-
"Just for this morning, I am going to smile when I see your face and laugh when I feel like crying.
Just for this morning, I will let you choose what you want to wear, and smile and say how perfect it is.
Just for this morning, I am going to step over the laundry, and pick you up and take you to the park to play.
Just for this morning, I will leave the dishes in the sink, and let you teach me how to put that puzzle of yours together.
Just for this afternoon, I will unplug the telephone and keep the computer off, and sit with you in the backyard and blow bubbles..
Just for this afternoon, I will not yell once, not even a tiny grumble when you scream and whine for the ice cream truck, and I will buy you one if he comes by.
Just for this afternoon, I won't worry about what you are going to be when you grow up, or second guess every decision I have made where you are concerned.
Just for this afternoon, I will let you help me bake cookies, and I won't stand over you trying to fix them.
Just for this afternoon, I will take us to McDonald's and buy us both a Happy Meal so you can have both toys..
Just for this evening, I will hold you in my arms and tell you a story about how you were born and how much I love you.
Just for this evening, I will let you splash in the tub and not get angry. Just for this evening, I will let you stay up late while we sit on the porch and count all the stars.
Just for this evening, I will snuggle beside you for hours, and miss my favorite TV shows.Just for this evening when I run my finger through your hair as you pray, I will simply be grateful that God has given me the greatest gift ever given. I will think about the mothers and fathers who are searching for their missing children, the mothers and fathers who are visiting their children's graves instead of their bedrooms, and mothers and fathers who are in hospital rooms watching their children suffer senselessly, and screaming inside that they can't handle it anymore.
And when I kiss you goodnight I will hold you a little tighter, a little longer. It is then, that I will thank God for you, and ask him for nothing, except one more day..."

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Awana's Grand Pinewood Derby

The cars...
Participation ribbons
Today was the day for the boys to race their cars, with the Awana's Grand Prix,We made them this last week or so. Kylor's is red and Orion's orange. Orion's ended up being a little faster than Kylor's. Nevertheless they got awards for being fast cars...Kylor got 1st place out of his age group in "Sparks" and Orion got 2nd place for his group "cubbies" Then overall Orion got the 2nd place Trophy for his car, it was really fast, I guess this is good practice for Scouts, if they decide to get into that. We were really suprized how fast they were. The boys were happy to win something! The funny thing at the end, Kylor and Orion's car's raced each other..

Orion rocking the cat, Felix is a baby!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Date Night

We decided to take a Monday Night date Night it was a long day. We both needed a break. We just went down town and got some Gelado (ice cream) It's simply the best here. Man! There's nothing like it in the states. We tried 2 different kinds, the best mixture was Pistacio and vanilla, Yummy! We went to a little Cafe down in Praia and sat and talked a little while. Steve really wanted to show me his Radar over on Santa Rita Hill, The one he works on all the time. The whole time I was worried, I don't want to get him into trouble, but he assured me it was fine. Trust me I didnt touch a thing....I don't want him to have to work any longer than he already does. The Radar was so neat. I know he works on it, but to see the equipment up close was neat and to get a true idea of what he does all day. It was a treat to see, plus he was so excited to show me. I guess you can call it what you want, but it was kinda cute how excited he was to show me. We lost a key member in the Radar shop from what I gather and now Steve has three new people to train and get aquainted with the equip. So we have a busy summer ahead...I guess it's going to be nuts until we get on this island.
Tonight we had the ESC meeting I'm offically on the Board this year, until I move to help support the spouses on the island. It's a nice group of ladies who are part of the ESC group and I've been able to socialize without the boys around.
Orion has been in a funk lately, his temper is getting the best of us, I'm thinking he's getting sick or is sick, he's been crying and whinning so much, it's hard to bare. I can't wait until he's 4!

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Volley Ball

Audrey has been playing Volleyball these past 3 weekends on a Woman's League at the Base Gym. It's alot of fun! We make it a Family night and the kids play on the side lines. We played our last game today, they are talking about extending it though. Kylor is having kids friend sleep over tonight they are goodfriends. It's good to see the three boys, Ky, Orion, John getting along so well. We have District Conf this weekend just found out on Tuesday,it's down in Angra, it's been such a busy weekend though, We actually are staying home and going to a Farewell since some friends are flying out tommarrow.

Kylor, Orion, John playing on the bleachers...

Slide show

Friday, April 11, 2008

Sulphur Pits Adventure

Today we took the family out it was alot of fun. We went to the Sulphur pits in the middle of the island, we'd never been there before, but near there...It was neat..The kids had fun Hiking around and Quinn was in my hip carrier (perfect invention) We took alot of pictures and just hung for a few hours. I actually had a huge bumble bee land on my hand, but never got stung...scared the crap out of me though! Quinn was so good he didnt even cry just hung out and let me carrier him, he didnt even want to eat. He could stay this age and I would be happy.
Then at 7pm Audrey's team, had Volleyball game we went together as a family, that was alot of fun. The boys played...they had a long day and were tired, but they liked playing around and with the other kids, Orion was being a good listener, when we asked him to stop, he actually stopped...We love it when he's a good listener, makes life easier for us.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008


Tree from Kitchen sink view...Blowing in the wind today..

Hanging around the house during the stormy day
Kylor has been home from school and today it was crazy, crazy weather drive around and even staying home. The wind and rain are here. All day long it rained and The wind was whistling outside the house. We have a few windows leaking but no big deal, gotta love base housing. We went down town and bought some gas drops and Kylor and Quinn were with me, the rain was so strong, Kylor had such a good attitude today was a big help. We stopped on the side of the road and I showed him a huge Boulder that fell from the hill side since the land was so soggy. He thought that was cool..We also stopped and watched the huge swells of water in the ocean, They were so big, I didnt have my camera, but it would be scarey to be in that water with how big the swells were. You can tell what kind of day it's going to be just by watching the Ocean. You can see it all around us when we drive around on base and near our house. The view are so nice. I went to Hula Practice we are learning a few dances for next months show. Orion is talking so much better, he's using more words and the tantrums are becoming less and less. That's so nice!!! He's sharing and he's been good at school. He sometimes doesnt want to go, since he knows Kylor is home this week.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Our weekend

Hey, this weekend was so much fun. Friday Steve and Kylor had no work and no school. Orion went to school but got out early. We stayed home and Just hung out together. We watched the movie "Mr. Magoriums Emporium" My favorite part on that movie is "Life is an occasion, rise to it." What a cute show... Saturday Audrey had 2 Volleyball games which her team won, we felt bad one of our team memers hurt her ankle so we lost one of our best players. I subed for her after that happened. Volleyball is really fun! I forgot how much fun it was to play. Then that evening we had a bunch of friends come over for dinner we BBQ chicken meal everyone brought something and we had some good conversation and food! We were hoping for good weather but we had some down pours so we brought it in the house. That's ok!
Sunday we watched/ Listened to Conference...We had alot of left overs from last night and we decided to feed the Missionaries, we had such a good time talking to them, The kids just loved it too. Elder Fernandes actually knows how to do a Rubic's cube we found out we thought that was neat...He knows the trick but has been out of practice, he took it for the week and he'll teach us the trick. He's from Brussels, and Elder Gray An Airforce Brat, his parents now live in N.C. but he's lived all over the place. They are both great Missionaries.
Audrey's parents get back from Indonesia in a few weeks from their Mission there.
***Audrey has a plan to attend Cosmotology school if we decide to go back to Utah it would be the perfect chance for her to get her schooling done****"If you are not moving forward your only falling back"... We are hoping we have alot of doors open in our decision to move our family this year. We have faith it will all work out. Which way we are not sure...but we are hoping to get the Job in Utah as of now.

Friday, April 4, 2008



Growing so fast!!!

Quinn smiles

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Things lately!

Steve got his books to take his clep tests from the Library that just opened English and Pysch classes...after those are done he'll have CCAF his Assoicates of Applied Science degree! We are really excited for that. We have been talking about where we are going to move and it's such a huge decision, so many things to weigh and determine what would be the best for the fam and kids and us and finances and goals etc. it's been a little get my idea. We'll we have been talking about Steve doing a 3 yr Special Duty assignment at HILL AFB, it would be a great career move for him, we thought we wanted to Stay over sea's since we love it so much but seems like this would be a great opportunity and feel good about it. We will have to see what the future holds. We have 7 more months on this Beautiful Island. We'll miss it alot!!!
Audrey has been busy with being on a VolleyBall league and is now going to start dancing again with the Hula ladies. She's the Parlamintarian for the ESC spouse group and has been really involved with the community, it's so small here. Has made alot of friends though. Today she took Orion and Quinn in a MOPS meeting (Mothers of Preschoolers) they had a block party at the Community center, they had jumpy castles and lunch it was alot of fun. Orion was getting on a Hyper kick he was so tired but he had alot of fun. When he gets wired he doesnt know how to slow down. I've been working out to Denise Austin alot, having Quinn his ever changing schedule means I have to adjust my workouts too. It's easier to be home and work out since hitting the GYM is a trick somtimes.
Kylor has spring break this next week. Today he was so helpful around the house he actually got his first Bloody nose playing on the coutch, he hit his nose on his knee so that was his first one ever...I told him he was pretty cool for getting a bloody nose.." I never got bloody noses growing up and I thought that kids who got those were pretty cool" He seemed to think it was neat too. Though it scared him a little.
Orion in school and doing great! He's been loving the Avatar DVDs and he like earning his marbles...Marbles are the reward system we are doing for the boys and he's really caught on to this, We are so's a good motivater for him. He's so independent and learned to snap his snap on his pants by himself, he doesnt like me helping him, sometimes he's TOO independent for us but it will be nice for him cause he's so determined too. He is a very curious one, but his mind is able to slow down and look at books alot more often with out me having to tell him to settle down.
Quinn he's so cute and he's rolling all over the place. He will not take a bottle but he like his sippy cup. He smiles all the time and he's happy so much. He's eating baby cereal and watered down apple juice now. The Portugese ladies and Orion's school just love him. He's going to be tall though, he's long. They love him and call him Lindo all the time (pretty or beautiful) all the time. He's alot bigger than either of the boys at his age...he's 18 lbs...must be his Genes cause I'm not doing anything different. He's only 5 months & 2 weeks old. He's so cute though and I'm so happy we have all three together!!! Boys are great!