Friday, June 29, 2007

The new pool

We have gone through 2 cheap inflatable pools this summer and it's just begun. We decided to get another one...and suprise all out at the BX. We decided to get a minature "Dough Boy Pool" those blue ones with the hard plastic sides it's a bit bigger and deeper..We put it out for a day it's perfect for our back yard and Audreys even got in it. It was great and we decided to put it up since we needed our lawn mowed. We'll probably put it up again this weekend and leave it out for a really long time. We are hoping this time we can keep it good, first one, had a slow leak some where, 2nd one, we'll Seka found it and that was the end of it.
We are planning on seeing Spider Man 3 tonight if the tickets are not sold out. Date night for us it's been a long time since we've been to the Theater. We think it will be fun. Other than that...
Nothing new or exciting happening here. we'll post again later...

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Friend Birthday Party

Last night Steve and I went to a birthday party for Gena our Portuguese friend . The boys were dropped off at Theresa's home. We didnt take them since we wanted to visit with her and the family alone this time, first time we didnt take them. Kinda a Date night.
Gena Turned 46. She looks so good for her age. We went over about 6pm and helped cook dinner, Steve helped Gena's Dad (Pae) with BBQ (galinha) Chicken, I helped with the Rice and seafood rice we made, It was with Gena's (mae) daughter Soriah, the mixture had oysters, shrimp, clam shells, rice, some peppers in it. It was all so tasty! We Sang happy birthday to her of course in Portugese. I remembered the first verse in Portugese, the 2nd I have not memorized. Gena's Neice, Vanessa was there she is 24 and just moved here from Namibia, Africa she studied English and spoke almost only that in Africa. She speaks Portuguese, English, African. It's so neat.
It's sad since we have not been with the portugese friends as much it's hard to remember the language, if you dont use it you forget. Steve and I both remembered some, but I think I'm going to make more of an effect again and study my books more. Steve has a gift of knowing how to Conjugate. I'm more for Vocabulary, together we can pretty much help each other if we need too. Trust me we do.
We went on a long walk we climbed the stairs up to the statue Maria in Praia, It was a great walk I would say about 3 miles or so and we talked along the way. Praia is getting ready for Praia Festival in August. Gena said some years ago the Band "Scorpions" came and she was so excited they sang many of their older songs...I guess they have concerts then so we are hopeing someone popular ones from the US comes and we can see...They mostly have Portugal Pop Singers come. Anyways we didnt get home until 11pm or so...It was a good time. I guess this monday ended out being ok.

Monday, June 25, 2007

Mondays Mondays....

Today was a Monday for sure. Just in time to make the Dr. appointment, Steve found a rock that put a hole in the tired. Not good, all repair places here on closed on Mondays...Why? I have no idea.. We'll we all walked to the Follow up appointment for the Baby. I guess getting a bit more excersice never hurt anyone.
I'm now 22wks 3 dys. Everything is growing well and heart beat sounding healthy as ever. After ward, we stopped by the office who does the Storknesting Packages and got some questions answered, The kids were crazy at this point. Sounds like Audrey will have to leave end of Aug early Sept just to make sure she gets there by the Fly no Later than date which is Sept 13th. We are going to try and make our own flying arrangements to save on expenses. It may get a little complicated on the details, but sure it will all work out if we do enough planning. I guess Audrey & Orion may have a little adventure getting to Germany but it should be fun. As long as Baby Quin can stay inside for the ride that is. heheheh!

Friday, June 22, 2007

Steve Snorkeling Experience

Wednesday evening, Steve went Snorkleing with a friend named J.R they went to the Vila Nova Area here on the island. He says the water was freezing and it hurt as the water trickled into his zipper on his back. Another reason why Audrey won't be doing much snorkleing here.
He saw a star fish and a Barracuda, once they saw the Barracuda they got out pretty quick. The sun was not out and they couldn't see very well, so the this adventure was a quick one. He has been waiting for the weather to get a bit nicer so he can go more. Trust me, when I have touched the water here, it's cold compared to Hawaii warm bath water temps.
Note to Readers: Audrey does all the blogging on this site in behalf of the whole family. Steve is not much of a writer. She will try to include a bit from all the family on this blog site.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007


It is possible to get Sushi in the Middle of the Ocean. Yeah, I learned how to make it at home from a friend @ church Michelle. Steve was quite happy, since he's been wanting Sushi for a while now. I'm glad that I learned so that way we can have it when ever we want out here. It doesnt beat "Happy Sumo" though. I cut a roll for Steve last night he thought it was good....Thanks Michelle!

Monday, June 18, 2007

Our weekend.

This weekend was a lazy one for me. Saturday we were so tired, Steve and I just needed a break from the boys. We took them to Thereas's home from 12-6pm it was nice. Since we haven't really had a date day this was our chance. We'll all we did was Audrey slept nearly the whole time then Steve played Kingdom hearts and slept a half hour. We had Regional Conf in Angra but we decided to take it easy and rest instead of sit in meetings 4 hours, sometimes you just have to chose what's more important. Resting for us this weekend was.

Sunday we went to the Reg. Conf session from 10:30-1230pm then we drove on top of the Monte Brasil Mtn, (Angra) to view the scenes there. It was nice. We forgot our camera so a friend of ours let us take some pictures I'll post them when I get them. Well, came home and I slept again...all afternoon. Steve was nice and let me, even though it was Father's day. He's such a great husband. I'm not sure why but I feel tired all the time. I'm going to ask the Dr. why? Maybe I need to take more iron or something???
He took the boys to the park and met up with some friends, They decided to BBQ at our home short then I was awake...The dinner came along nicely for it not really being planned. We had a feast. Then played Candy land with Kylor and Yahtzee together...It was a nice evening. Sometimes ya just have to do things spur of the moment, it makes life fun!
We watched...a movie "Monster in Law" cute show. This is a run down of our weekend. Happy Father's day!!!! to all of you hopefully it was good for you all.

Friday, June 15, 2007

Kylor 5th Birthday

This week was a great week for us. Ky turned 5 years old. We celebrated his birthday on Wed, then Today celebrated with a PIRATE PARTY. We put together a 4 clue treasure chest hunt for the kids. It was fun. The treasure was a Pinata Chest full of Candy as you can see from the picutres. Ky was so excited all we for the friends to come over for his party. I made the cake, I've learned how to get creative on the cakes since, pre-made doesnt happen much here at a good price.
I think is turned out pretty good. Kylor loved it.

Later in the day we tried to hit the beach, but we got rained out....2nd time this year we thought we could go and the weather didn't allow it. We just stayed home and cleaned up while Kylor played with some new toys. Then we went to praia looking for somethings for our Chi Chi & Monte Chinchillas they needed bath sand really badly but they have been clear out...hopefully next week some will get in for them...We ended up leaving the pet store with another animal...a white Albino Parakeet..We have a small round cage for her and she's beautiful in it. White cage, white neat to look at.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Things I have learned.

I go walking with the boys when the days are nice and I have thought of a few things being a mom has taught me. If I never had kids I would have never gotten to experience the things that I do. Here are a few thoughts I would like to share.

1. Listening to sweet quick prayers that we won't go to the heartless place (Kingdom hearts game)

2.Loads of laundry piled high and I fold it when I get around to it.

3.My son is a super hero as he fly's in the air atop of my feet.

4. I've gotten to sail to far away lands with my own coutch cushions.

5. Kisses and Hugs everyday.

6. Hearing "Mommy I love you, thank you."

7. Red crayon on my new white skirt.

8. Always a hand to hold when I cross the street.

9. Endless nights where I'm awolk by "Mommy I have to go pee"

10. My favorite one: I've recived dozes of flowers (dandilions my favorite)

I'm not quite sure where I would be if I didnt have my boys. I've been blessed with I think the best boys ever. I'm glad we are having another little guy to help the love in our family grow. I'm glad that I have the challenges and blessings of being a mother.
To all you mothers out there I'm sure you can relate.

Monday, June 11, 2007

Our Base home.

Just wanted to let you see what our on base Duplex looks like. It's nice. Enjoy!

It's a....

Today we found out that we are having a BOY!!!!. Yes that will make that three boys for us. We are excited. It's so interesting that so many people I know either have one or the other. It's going to be fun to add another energetic boy to our little family, they boys love playing together and wrestling around the house, playing swords and with our nerf guns. We each have our own. I think I'm already out numbered 3:1 ratio soon to be 4:1...Lots of fun.

Praia Beach Bull fight

Sunday was a nice day to go and watch the Beach Bull figh. We went with some friends, we sat on the wall and watched, the kids got a little board, we walked down to a playground and let the kids run out some energy and then went home.

Saturday, June 9, 2007

Cabo Da Praia Beach Day

No Rain Today! A Nice family from chuch invited us to their Beach front Property in Cabo da Praia, Near Praia, they are an american family living here, they have 2 horses and we had a bon fire there right on the beach it was so much fun. Many of the families from church also went we all had a good time. One of the families brought their 3 goats for all the kids to see... They let us ride the horses bare back, We all had fun riding them. Audrey being 20 pregnant probably shouldn't have gotten on, but couldn't resist the opportunity to ride a horse on the beach.

Friday, June 8, 2007

Best Brothers!

Just wanted to post a picture so you can see our cute boys and see how big they are getting.

Boy Blanket Done!

Here is the Boy blanket I did. It took me 2 days. It was a different style, alot of cutting involved. Thanks to Steve he helped me cut those Squares. I really have enjoyed this quilting stuff. The weather lately has been so Rainy and Windy, we still have power though YAY! Its strange last December was nicer than June. We will be having Kylors #5 birthday party next week, hopefully the sun will shine soon. Today we are going to have a Squardon BBQ hopefully we can stay dry. Steve finds out this month if he made Tech SSGT or not, there is a chance, but this is just his first time testing. Lets pray he made it though. Good Luck Steve!

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Orion Ear Check up

This morning we took Orion in for his 6 month ear check to the Dr. in Praia. His ears were fine, no apple seeds this time. I told the Dr. he's tried putting Play Dough and licorice he joked back saying to the translator "Do you think your ears are a garage?" Anyways, he did find a few peices of green play dough. He was fine though. Orion must love his ears.
Today is rainy, Last night we were up late cutting quilting squares for the Boy Rag blanket I'm starting to work on. Since it's rainy seems like a perfect day to start another project.
Orion has been doing so good potty training, Lets hope he's on his way being done. He's started to tell us yes he needs to go which helps alot.

Sunday, June 3, 2007

Holy Ghost or Holy Spirit Festival Tradition

This weekend is the last weekend we had the chance to see the Holy Ghost Festival Parade and have some of the yummy sweet bread they give out for this occation. Gina our friend invited us to attend the Church ceremony and then watch the parade had get some bread. This was Steve's week to teach the lesson so we were a little late to see the ceremony at the church. After church we picked up Gina and her Mae (mother) and we parked down in Praia and watched the ceremony unfold as they paraded to the Holy Spirit house. I was thinking yeah we'll go and have a slice of bread and juice then leave. Not the Case, after the band played a few songs they brought out these large wicker baskets full of bread loafs and were giving the bread loafs to everyone. They served the tradition Red Wine and also offered some Sumu (juice). They even gave children large loafs of bread. It was neat. The kids enjoyed this. Kylor was letting Orion takes bites off his loaf. We all thought this was a neat tradition to experience. Gina then showed us to the room where they kept the bread and the wine, the room was filled with bread and it was amazing to see. We walked into the Holy Spirit house and I took a few pictures it was alot like a shrine that you would see at most Christian churches.
It is the belief and tradition of the locals to think the Mother of Christ, Mary, is the protector and overseer of the island(s)

Saturday, June 2, 2007

Praia Street Bull Flight

In June when the Holy Ghost Festival ends, begins the summer street bull flighting on the island. They are daily beginning in June in different villages around the island. This is the first time we went to one. Gina our Portugese friend went with us and we found a person who was willing to let us in there front yard area to be safe behind the wooden boards. It was so neat. They let out 4 different bulls at different times. They light off Fireworks when the bull is out and when he goes back into the crate. Each time they switch the bull they do this. Kylor and Orion had great fun playing with the local kids and also in between the fights, Kylor would kick a worn out soccar ball with a few of the kids. Also Orion and Ky threw back and forth a 7up can they found on the street, such great entertainment while we waited.The locals are so friendly and nice to us here.

Check out our 1999 Piece Puzzle

This is the puzzle we wrote about earlier. The last piece must have gotten lost in our move some how. Pretty neat though huh. Good job Steve! with the help of all of us. Orion even tried to help too.

Baby Quilt done

I almost forgot to share that I finished my 1st baby quilt. I'm so proud! I have a good friend named Patricia. She taught me how to do the binding on quilts. A skill that I have really wanted to learn. It makes the blankets look so nice. I've begun cutting the squares for the next quilt it will be a rag boy quilt. I've been learning alot here...Maybe this will be something I can share with others once I get faster and better at it.

Mother's are important!

"A mother has far greater influence on her children than anyone else, and she must realize that every word she speaks, every act, every response, her attitude, even her appearance and manner of dress affect the lives of her children and the whole family. It is while the child is in the home that he gains from his mother the attitudes, hopes, and beliefs that will determine the kind of life he will live and the contribution he will make to society."

Thank you mom for everything. I miss you and hope you are doing well on your Mission in Indonesia. I love you too Dad. Please take good care of mom for all of us. We pray for you always.
To those of you who are Mothers or to those who hope to someday be.
Happy Late Mother's Day! Grandma Egan, Pam, Grandma Merkley, Grandma Hash, Mom, Kaylyn, Kim, Cindy,Marlayna, Jennifer,Jen, Becky, and all my friends. You have such a great honor of being a mother.

Friday, June 1, 2007

Water Colors

The kids had fun today water coloring. I thought I would share these, don't mind they are still in their P.J's.

Myspace Address

Check out Steve & Audreys "myspace pages"

Audrey's Myspace
Steve's Myspace

Pregnancy count Down

Due Oct 26th