Saturday, August 30, 2008


Orion's art (jelly fish)

Friday we tried to see Walle at the base theater, it was to start at 7pm we got there early just to find that they didnt have the film, reason: It had not yet come on the plane (disadvantages to living on a small island) They were supposed to get in on yesterday's plane but it was late..We went out for Ice cream instead..Saturday Steve had to work all day 8-5 it was a rainy day anyways so it didnt reck all our plans, We got Orion's Halloween costume (DASH- from the incredibles) it's just perfect for him and he loves it!, we are planning way ahead since we'll arrive in Utah just weeks before Halloween. Quinn is going to be a Monkey and Kylor a Jedi those costumes have not arrived yet...Kylor is anxious to get it. Orion was coloring today and he was so excited to show me he drawing..Yeah a Jelly fish, it has left an impact when we saw one alive out of water. Ok! We planned on going to Walle again tonight just to be turned down again, they still didnt have it! Dang~ we ran over to the shoppete and picked up a few movies to watch Jungle book 2 and a new Avatar movie! We had movie night at our house instead. Walle maybe next weekend?
I finished BREAKING DAWN! What a great book! I'm kinda sad that it's over...Stephanie Meyer needs to write another series

Friday, August 29, 2008

Soon to be New Car

Here is the Suzuki XL7 we are purchasing in Utah

I was Tagged!

Tagged by Jen ( ok here is the run down)
The Rules:-Link the Person who Tagged you-Mention rules on your blog-Tell about 6 quirks of yours-Tag 6 fellow bloggers to do the same-Leave a comment to let them know.
Here are my quirks you are just dieing to hear
1- I have to have a clean house, If it's messy it really bothers me, I like clean counters and things put in their place. I expect my kids to do the same. I'm not even close to being a pack-rat and love throwing or giving things away I don't use,A simple clean house is my Heaven on earth.
2- I hate brushing my teeth in a stinky bathroom, yuk! Make me gag!
3-I've been able to relax on my routine with the boys, I used to get really bothered if the kids were not in bed at a certain time, I've relaxed on this but they still need to be in bed at a decent hour on school nights I prefer by 8:30.
4-I feel much better when I work out, so I am kinda a health nut in a way, I work out and like the sweat to fall off, the best part about working out is the shower, but I love how much more energy I have once it's all done. Trust me I'm chasing 3 wild Merkley boys so that energy comes in handy! I believe in eating right, I avoid potates, and love tomatoes, A healthy life and healthy body is the way to go.
5- Pet Peeve- People who talk to much. & lier's
6- I fall asleep reading on some days. There is nothing like reading a good book. It help's keep that imagination up and running! I used to hate reading, I've found it relaxing and fun as I've gotten older. There is so much knowledge to gain by reading. I love it!

Monday, August 25, 2008

Ky's 1st day of 1st Grade

Kylor school started today! He was so excited to be a first grader! He says now he gets to walk to and from school. I had a good day! Orion and Quinn home with me, had a good time. I took Orion to the park and Quinn has been teething so he's been sleeping alot.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Porto Martines Fun!

Getting ready to go down
Having fun! We saw some pretty big fish
Quinn enjoying the sun!
snorkeler in Training
Orion in the Yellow!

Interesting Creature
Me & Natacha
Face first
Snorkeling fun!
We had a blast Saturday! We took the family down to swim and Steve and I went down the slide and it was so much fun, we were able to snorkel and jump in from the side Steve did a few flipsjumping in, we saw our friends Natacha, Magda, Then Lucia's son and his wife. Ky and Orion just had their life jackets on and swam around, we found a Sea Cucumber, those things are nasty, It was lots of fun. Today at church we have three new families, it's nice to have more people we actually sold our Van too one of the new familes,so that's one less thing on our to do list! Yay!

Friday, August 22, 2008

Portuguese Cat Song

Ok here is the song our kids just love. Kylor and Orion learned it at school, but Lucia has been singing it to Quinn and it helps us change his diapers cause he'll old still for me when I change him. Thing funny thing about it is in the song, it's about a person who throws a stick at a cat, but it didnt die, and the person was suprised at the yell the cat gave. Meow! It's ironic that it's a bird that is singing the cat~ enjoy!

Busy week!

So school starts next week! I can't believe how fast summer went by. Kylor will be in 1st grade. Thursday I went with my friend to Angra Hospital for her baby appointment, she didnt know how to get there so I told her I would take her. She has the same Dr. that delievered Quinn. He's such a nice guy. I ran into Linda (Linda-Ines Mom) a lady who's daughter goes to preschool with Orion. She offered to come over and cook for me. We have not yet tried the traditional dish, Cod fish yet and I'm thinking about her coming over and having her make that or Alcatra, then I can make it in the states, I only tried making it once and it didnt turn out.
They had a back to school Bash last night we watched "Meet the Robinsons" it was fun, Today they had a school open house and we got to meet Ky's Teacher, she seems very nice we are telling Kylor he gets two teachers this year, since we'll be moving to Utah soon. I've been calling on Preschools for Orion and Piano lessons for Ky, Then searching for Bunk Bed and Car online. I'll have alot to get done when we get to Utah.
Steve has been working days this week, Yesterday he drove around the base Col.'s on base and they were so nice and gave him a Col. Coin, it's heavy for a coin. He was happy about getting that.
The kids yesterday at Porto Martins got to see a jelly fish our friends got out with a net, it was still alive and they really liked watching it. I took they boys to our friends house down there and we walked to the Cafe and the Pool and watched our friends jump in a few times. Thanks Amy! Tonight we are going to have a Pizza party with Our neighbors (Mccools) then we will watch a movie "Nim's island" at their house. It's kinda like our personal party for going back to school! I think that's the run down of our latest activities, I'm sure there is more, but I'm exhausted!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Sao Miguel Trip!

We had a great time in Sao Miguel helping in the youth conf. It was such a fun time and we played and laughed alot! We left on Friday and got home Monday-We were able to see many sites and we went on the ferry and it took 6 hours, we got to see Whales and Dolphins on the way. Aside from the laughter and fun it was a great spiritual experience not only for us but the Youth and that is probably the most important part of it all. This trip is something we will never forget! Sao Miguel is much more beautiful than Terceria, more flowers and more lakes to see. That island has much more there than this island. It's more of a city and it has 2 malls, a mcdonalds, pizza hut etc. It's much more faster paced too. We are so happy we got to go see it! The Youth of the Azores are great!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Busy reading!

This book it a bit more graffic to me. Maybe it's just the images I imagine when I'm reading it... I'm only half way through, anxious to see the ending.. I've spent the last two nights reading after the boys have gone to bed. Steve has been working until 2am so it's a good thing to pass the time alone.
We said good bye to friends yesterday leaving, Bernie our sweet friend and then our Commander and his wife who have been teaching Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University to us. We have gotten a few people interested in our Van--Sounds like it's going to sell soon. Wish us luck!

Monday, August 11, 2008

Sao Miguel Weekend

This coming friday is Sao Miguel Weekend for the Youth Conference, Steve and I have been asked to speak on Modesty, we will have the chance to see the island on our free time, It's going to be so much fun!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

I'm back! Events of the week

Slide show of the past few days...

I guess I've forgotten my blog this week. It's been so busy! We've been busy having fun though. We haven't really been home..Audrey's B-day was Thursday *HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME* The boys and Steve gave me some very nice cards, then we went to the Cabo da Praia beach from 2pm-8pm, the waves were so big that day we had a blast! Quinn ate the sand and we only got minor sunburns compared to how long we were outside the Sun has been intense this week. We saw a girl about Orion's age with a purple back with sun burn..Ouch! Friday after work, Steve and I went with two work friends to the beach the boys stayed home with Lucia..Praia fest is until the 11th we took the family Friday night for the "Alice in Wonderland Prade" that was fun. The boys had a good time. Saturday, the day was a little overcast but we took a walk down Praia area, we watched the sail boat competition, then back to the Cabo da Praia beach for a while. I'm thinking we are beached out for the week. We went three days in a row, Sunday, Steve and I spoke on Temples and it was a nice sacrament meeting. We only had 3 family's and the children out number the parents by far, we still try to get what we can out of church even though we are so small in the branch right nowlater we just had to go to Praia for the Beach bull fight, it doesn't happen on the beach very often so we watched that for a while. We actually saw the bull pick up a guy with his horns and flew him in the air a few feet, When the bull was done with him other guys hauled him off the beach,Ouch! Kylor saw that too, he seemed entertained by it, uh oh!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Saturday @ the Pool

Friday Dinner and Praia Fest!

WOW! What a Whirl wind of a weekend again. We went Friday and ate at Quebra Mar (Brazillian Rest) best place to eat there was a big group of us since Mona &Heath, John left this weekend. At Praia fest we watched the parade and ate a Churro filled with Chocolate it was so good. We took Kylor with us that night and he's been asking to go back all weekend.
Saturday we took the fam to the base pool for a few hours that was fun. Quinn had a floating butt in the water, probably cause his swim diaper, it was so funny he was crawling all over the place.
Here is the story of the day: When we went to church today Steve was outside and spotted a rat on church grounds he went over to it trying to scare it away...he kicked the wall to get it's attention and it looked at him and hissed and ran after him. He kicked it and it ran off. (Steve gets attacked by a rat at church) that doesn't happen everyday huh?

Friday, August 1, 2008

Pool Day!

Yesterday, I took Ky too the pool, it was just me and him. O & Q were with Theresea for the afternoon. I figured it would be good to spend some one on one time with Ky. We went to the pool and had a blast! I convinced him to go down the water slide something I thought would never happen. He loved it! Once he went down he spent the rest of the afternoon on the thing. He gained such confience in swimming, and got over his fear's so much. It made me very proud! He likes using his googles in the pool and he would swim over to me. We were there until 5pm
Tonight we have Praia Festival starting, we have about 4 friends leaving this weekend so we are going to dinner with them and then off to the festival. It's going to be a late night~ the festival is for 1 week & 1/2 and it goes on all night..The best time of the year on this island too!
Tommarrow we are taking the whole family to the Pool, it's the first Saturday we have nothing on the calandar
We are really enjoying our summer now, though it's been busy and crazy with Steve's schedule, it's finally starting to feel like summer!!