Friday, October 31, 2008

Culture Shock

I have not written about the changes I've felt since coming back to Utah. Did you know that everyone here has a cell phone? Crazy... Being on that little island it was like time stood still and it was quiet and peaceful and quite SLOW... Coming to Utah..Wow! It's fast, everything is big, and I drive so much in the car... TRAFFIC yuk! Though I am from here it's nuts to have culture shock when you come home, but I'm feeling a bit of this as I try not to take my surrounding for granted. Though we have so many things at our finger tips, it's almost sad that we forget about the Simple life. It's nice to see gas prices below 4.95 per gal, we were paying so much oversea's so I'll take my 2.61 :) with no complaint. Lets all remember to simplify and enjoy the scenery.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

One day at a time...

Honestly I didn't realize how our life would change once we left the little island. My eyes are in awe! I've taken on so many things, moving with out Steve. I've been able to get much accomplised though. I got the bunk beds for the boys and the mattresses delivered, I'm hoping this weekend I can move over from my parents house to where we will be living in Layton. It's been so exhausting for me. Not to mention I miss Steve, and know that if he were here with me, my Stresses would be nearly gone. I've been working with family 4 days a week 9-3 that way to be home with the boys after Ky's done with school. I think I can juggle it all, but it's not going to be easy.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Take one step at a time...

Today Kylor started school. He was so good. I was a little worried about him having a anxiety attack, but nope, not even one tear. His teacher is Mrs. Mehr she seems really nice. He likes her too. I promised that if he's really good when he startes school in Utah that we'll get him some Pokemon cards that he's been begging me for months now. So after school we were down to walmart getting him started on his collection. I told him that him being happy really makes my happy and that it helps me out alot. We went to dinner together with the family. We have lots of October Birthdays to celebrate..When we were eating Kylor was opening a Fortune cookie, and as he was opening it he said "I really hope it says, I love my mommy, but that's ok if it doesn't" Shelley and Kassidy heared him say that too, it was the sweetest thing.
I helped My Mother-in-law move some things from the house we are moving in,so we can paint the boys room, I'm currently living with my parents until the rooms are ready for us to move over there. I'm just taking one step, one day at a time in adjusting and I already have spent so much money at Wal-mart, that place is so overwhelmingly huge.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Hard to back track...

So much has happened this past week, I don't know where to begin? Today the boys carved a pumpkin with the Gparents, they had fun. We went in the hot tub later with Gma and they had so much fun. I'm pretty sure I have everything done for Kylor to have him Start school tomarrow we'll see...I'm exhausted, but I've been having good times.

Ky's lost tooth story

The day before our final inspection at our house in the Azores, Kylor wakes up to go to school, and Steve was going to help him brush his teeth and his tooth was completely out. We searched for it all over, and nope we think it was swallowed. HAHA! The tooth fairy came later in the week telling Kylor that she noticed his tooth was gone and to keep up on those pearly whites. He earned $1.00, this was his first tooth and he was so excited!

Monday, October 20, 2008

We have arrived!

We are in Utah now. Steve in MS. We were so blessed to have Steve fly off the island with us. We said our goodbyes in Norfolk, Va, Audrey's Mom met us there and flew home to Utah with us, even the car survived the travels. Poor Felix! What a trip I must say. The kids did good. no major problems, no way, I would have done that alone though. It's so beautiful here in Utah in all the fall colors. I'm already missing Steve though. I have much to keep me busy though and alot of work ahead of me, to help ease my loneliness. I miss talking to him after we put the kids down. It's great being married to your best friend.
I love our new car! It's perfect and it's really fun to drive. Thanks to my Mom and Dad for doing the paper work for me. That saved me from one other stress.
I'm going today to get alot of running around done. Get Kylor registered for his new school, Tricare, etc. Busy work that just needs to get done. The boys are happy to see there Grandparents and cousins, It's so nice to be home! I do miss the Azores though. I'm still in a bit of Culture shock.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Last blog until I'm in Utah

Steve for sure is leaving the island, hopefully after I do next Saturday. That is to be determinded later. It's a made house, Friday they are coming to pick up Steve's Things to Korea, Monday they pick up for Storage for the year. We are figuring out the details, and it's getting a little stressful. Our phone & internet will be out here in the next few days when ever they decide to turn it off.
~so Until we arrive in Utah no more blog entries from us. Wish us Luck!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Moving update

Steve has a training to be at in MS by the 20th, they are changing his orders so he'll be leaving next week not sure what day though. We are still hoping to get out of the house, things picked up and shipped out ASAP! We are just waiting on those changed orders to say that he can leave this month. Depending on seats on the 17th Me and boys will be leaving if not it will be that Sunday..Steve will most likely go straight from MS to Korea with no stop in Utah due to the timing. We'll see him in June though. Things are happening so fast.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Conference weekend

Hanging out in the back

We were able to listen to many of the wonderful speakers this Conference Weekend. How great it is to be lifted up and hear the words of the Prophet's. And exciting moment there will be a temple built in Rome Italy soon, every conference it's so great! We look forward to reading them soon.
~ during the day we took time to go visit Gina and walked across the street from her house to the beach, the kids had fun, then we went back to her house and she showed me the way to make Bifana'a YUMMY! We visted with Gina and her Mom a few hours they are so nice.

Fun Day!

Facing the bull
Fountain in Praia

Eating Ice Cream, Our little Santa!
Fun at the bull fight

Daddy with the boys, ready to climb in to the tiny hole

yeah! We are explorers

Mama with the boys

Fun at Monte Brasil
Aside from the stress of moving, Steve will be leaving probably the 17th or 18th to attend a training in MS before Korea. We are figuring out the details, we have been really busy doing things trying to get everything ready, basically running here and there.
We took a family day and did it all yesterday, We went to Monte Brasil, we saw some dolphins out in the water too! We explored the Christmas caves as a family. Went to a bull fight with our friend Gina, and went to her house after and had some cake from her Mom's birthday, The boys did good considering we were gone all day. We ate Bifana's from a Bifana truck we call them, near the area where they collect the bulls for the end of season bull selection they were the best we've had so far. The kids keep asking when we are leaving..We are still hoping to get out on the 17th plane granted if there are enough seats for us, other wise we'll have to pay to change our tickets and leave on that Sunday plane for Baltimore, we are hoping for plan A but we'll know more the 14th when the traveling list is more accurate. Traveling Space A can be a pain, but as long as we get to Utah Safe and sound that will be a blessing...we may have to be flexable though.
Thrusday night~ Steve had to work I took the boys to the "Tops in Blue" concert, it was fun. It was worth the work going.