Sunday, March 30, 2008

16 Miler Cancelled

We'll wolk up today and walked over to do my 16 miler with a friend, I didnt know but she hurt her foot so she'll be out of the next 2 weeks, I was the only other person so to do it do I came home. I honestly was really bummed I was ready and excited to go...but change of plans...
Played Volleyball this afternoon though I joined the ladies League at the Fitness Center, just playing with some friends for the next few weeks we had 2 games today and one both! It's alot of fun.
The boys were so tired we all needed naps this afternoon too, so that's what we did...slept! Must have something to do with the Day light savings time coming...We've all been dragging over here. We went after dinner and got some kinder eggs @ Modelos the kids favorite thing and went to Visit Gena and her parents at their home that was a nice little visit they just love seeing the baby, Quinn was smiling so much when they talked to him in Portuguese. The weather was so nice today but turned cold tonight.
Orion goes back to school Monday! I'm so ready for that, these past 3 days, he's been going none stop, and into everything, I think he's ready too.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Alaska Doesn't sound likely

Ok here is the latest...We will not be getting Alaska as we had thought, since we have to report there in Oct and we have to stay here until November at the least. So there was a mess up on our behalf, trust me these whole thing is new to us too So we wait....The next listing comes out in May so we will choose off that as long as they have slots when it's our turn to move, we are considering all our options which are minimal, then we will decide, it's all really up in the air. The wait is just a guessing game, kinda driving us all bonker's but we will enjoy this place while we have the time, we are not ruling out the possilbilty of extending for a few more months either just depends on what the May list says since our rotation is on the off season if we extend to June then we have a better selection of options, no garunteee we;d be approved for the extension either and Kylor could finish out his 1st grade year....these are all you'll just have to stay tuned like the rest of us....
Audrey is going to start playing on a Volleyball League this weekend that shuld be fun! It's with a bunch of other ladies here at lajes, I've been sick these last days and feel like crap! hopefully it doesnt last long.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008


Steve tested today he felt good about the test! We will not find out if he made the cut until June, that would be so good if he made it though. We are staying positive on the chances...He studied alot these past months and especailly weekend and Monday, right up until the last minute.
We are so happy we are in the Air Force it's blessed us so many ways, we get to meet so many new people and have great friends because of it.
The weather was great today! Ky and Orion went to friends after Ky got home from school they like hanging out at the neighbors house. Then at 6pm Awana's night til 8am they are going a Derby race next month and Kylor gets to make a car for it, we have not started that yet...he's anxious to begin it though, he keep's telling Steve we have to work on his car....Sounds like our next big project here at home.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Kylor on Sugar....Any Questions?

This is what Kylor is like when he's crazy...Notice Orion the calm one here...

Sunday, March 23, 2008


Ok were do I begin?? We has such a wonderful busy weekend!!! The kids were great and we did so much stuff both Saturday and Sunday!
Saturday, went to the Branch Easter Brunch, had egg hunt and played yard games, red rover, green light green light! Steve won the Sack race by a HEAD! He dove to the finish line. Then gabbed some things at the Commisary, they had live rabbits and Orion loved holding them, Kylor didnt really want too, but took some great pictures of them. Then down to Angra where our friend Bernie had a Big party for familes, She's such a nice friend she planned so much, had a Pinata, The easter bunny, crafts to make your own basket for the easter egg hunt and tonz of yummy food!~ then we all came home and crashed we had so much fun!!
Sunday-Steve and I both taught lessons today it went well! Then after wards we gave the kids some easter gifts and that was fun. They got Kinder Eggs from us and loved the toys inside, each a color book and a few other little things. Then for dinner we went to another friends house Mona's we ate dinner and had a Easter message with the Missionaries, that was alot of fun, the kids had so much fun and were so well behaved...I was so happy! It made it much easier to be bsy with the kids having a good time. It was so nice to hang out with so many friends this Easter! The friends we have here are like family.

Friday, March 21, 2008


Ok! We'll first of all I cut my hair about 4-5 inches off....I was a little shocked how short, but It's growing on me..It's a nice break from the long hair, haven't had it this short in over 10 yrs.Then tonight Steve went with me to Lajes idol (karoke) this was our Date time to be together before the busy Easter Weekend with the kids and all. STeve got to see me sing!, YES I sang again! I still can't beleive it. It was a blast and such a rush from being infront of all those people. I sang " I will remember you" Sarah Malachlan, I didnt Qualify for the spot to be in the top 8 but my friends, Jan, Hollie, Lynetta did...So next week is the final time and I'll be going to support them all!!!
This base is alot of fun! I'm glad that I've been able to get so involved with things, I've really come out of my Shell so to speak... Last night was Relief Soceity and that went well...We had a dinner and played a unity game, wow we had a great turn out too!
Quinn feeling much better, Orion was good today, Kylor too, The weather was a little windy, but nice. I'll take the sun whenever it feels like shining over here...

Monday, March 17, 2008

Would you eat them here or there? Would you eat then any where?

Quinn with his Newsies Hat! Love it!
HAPPY ST. PATTYS DAY!!! I made a special breakfast for Kylor and Orion this morning you guessed it....Green eggs and ham...We'll Kylor thought it was pretty cool, Orion on the other hand, yeah didn't even touch it...Ky's Kindergarten class was doing a Dr. Seuss month at school, so what a better way to tie them both together. We are just trying to create some good traditions with the family...Thought this was another fun thing to do!
We got the bikes out today and took a short bike ride, that was so much fun! Steve and I are talking about taking a Biking Date down to Praia and eat lunch then bike back, that would be alot of fun...

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Kys Field Trip to Angra with Kindergarten class

Steve got the day off to go with the school to volunteer to help on field trip here are pictures I never posted from last Wednesday...

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Quinn's growing

Hey Guys wanna play?
All I can eat!
I thought I'd post some pictures of Quinn with Lucia he just loves her, espeacially when he speak in Portuguese. Steve went Snorkeling today we were hoping for some hermit crabs to stick in with our turtle, but no luck. Steve said the water was so cold he was only in the water for 40 mins, he took his friend Dan with him down near Sao Sabastian there was alot of Moss where they were he said.
Audrey stayed home all day didnt feel like going out of the house it was rainy. Quinn is home bound anyways with him being sick...was going to do that 14 miler walk today through Lajes but got up and saw the rain at 630...back to bed for me! We are giving a mattress away to a Local family who really has nothing..they are going to really like how soft that mattress is, they have 5 mo old baby too. I take a look at all the things we have and then hear people who have nothing, I want to just give them everything that we have, we have been sooooooo, sooooo blessed. There are many locals who are very poor here, thought most of them still remain Humble too, I packed up a box of Quinn's old baby clothes and my friend took them over to them yesterday...I feel so happy that we can help in our own little ways.
I gave Lucia some eggs (ovos) to take home she was happy to take them! She's so sweet and boy can she clean, I stayed home a little and helped her clean up the house, she watched the boys when We had to go to Parent teacher conf. for Orion too.
Lucia with Quinn she's almost like family to us.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Audrey sings Karoke

another fear gone...Audrey went to the Karoke Night at the Club last night... They were doing a Karoke Lajes Idol contest. I went to support a friend and ended up singing also Even though she or I didnt make it but I was happy to have a good time with friends..It's kinda nice in ways to have a small community like this place.
I sang "Baby now that I found you" Allison Craus, Then "Big Girls don't cry" by Fergie it was alot of fun! And I must say a little proud of myself for singing solo... Not many people will remember the night anyways thanks to the Alcohol. Steve's supervisor Lynetta Made the final 4 who will compete again next week.
Steve was nice and let me go out with the girls I walk with usually to this event, He stayed home with the boys while they watched a movie! Steve is so Awesome!!!! It's nice he is such a supportive husband, and he helps with our 3 boys so much, what would we all do without him?
Orion's out for the next two weeks for Spring break he'll return to school
March 31st, and today we have his parent teacher conference. Kylor out of school today and he's been able to hang around and help Me most of the day

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Quinn sickness

Poor baby, it's been a ruff week for Quinn, he's sick Took him to the Dr. and his oxygen levels were low 93%...they had us take him to the ER in Angra and they just looked at him and gave him some Ammoxocillan the levels were fine there with his breathing they said 99%, a baby in the waiting room had this same bad cough too. He's extemely congested and has a really bad cough, it's been going on for a few days now..I took him in again today oxygen still low about 94%they wanted to Xray his chest and make sure it was not pneumonia, well they found something thinking it's a Broncitus in the some of the Lungs smaller chambers...we are giving him anti inflamitory puffs from an inhaler and a steroid and Ammoxocillan. He's sounding like alot how I did back in NOV. They tested him for RSV, but we will not know the results from that for 2 wks since they send it off to the states....this has been a bad week or so, all of us have been sick in one way or another. We have grown alot from being on this little island, and have learned alot of things here...We are anxiously waiting to know where we are moving too though...about 1 more month we'll hear back on Alaska, atleast that's what we know. It's been a bit challenging lately...We have been doing the best we can to keep things running smoothly dispite the difficults times...Keep Quinn in your prayers please!

Saturday, March 8, 2008


Kinder eggs
Yeah huge toy inside that yellow thing!
Steve and I ended up going to the Chicken house for lunch it was nice. We had burgers that tasted almost like America's..Kids were with Theresa...she has this German Shepered we just love, but not the time for getting another animal.
I forgot to mention that I got my suit case back, guess it made it's way to Russia before coming to the island that's why it took a while week. I gave the kids each a kinder egg! They were so excited. The european ice cream is the best, why can't they make it like that in the states?
Ready for my walk Friday night
The weather here is just Awesome! When I went walking last night with the girls, I go about 3 times a week a four milers then Saturday is the big walk...anyways, the air smelt just like smelt so good! We walk on base..I almost got attached by a dog scared the life out of me on Monday, good thing it was on a chain...Yeah that's never happened before, They use dogs here mostly as watch dogs, and it was kinda scarey I didnt expect it to charge me when I was walking on the side walk. I have sore feet from walking so much but I feel so good once I'm done. Today my fingers were swelling that was weird, I ran out of water with 2 miles to go. I came home and drank, drank, drank once we did all 8 miles...Next Saturday is supposed to be 14 miles I really hope my shoes are in.
Steve still studying for test coming end of this month, he's getting better at those little Quizzies he gotta take..still thinks he needs to study alot more, this is just his 2nd year testing and takes most people 4 yrs to get Tech promotion...but he's trying. GO STEVE!
We'll that's all I have to say for now....Ciao! Ciao! for now

8 miles down

Walked 8 miles this morning!!! Getting ready for that 26 miler in May if I'm on island. I can't wait for my new shoes to get in...I need some new shoes really bad! I ordered then online hopefully they get here this weekend. Steve and I are going out today for Lunch out date time...then tonight we are going to a friends house for dinner....

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

sicks kids...

Kylor and Orion stayed home from school today. Kylor was sick and had a bad fever last night. I took him into the Dr. it's not strep so that's good. He was croaking like a frog though. Orion was tired, he stayed home since it was easier not to have to take him to school today. Quinn had his 4 month well baby visit and I can't beleive how much he's grown. He now weighs 18 lbs, 27 inches tall and he's 100% growth right now...yeah he's a big boy. He's been eating rice cereal, he loves it. He's the only one that's not sick and He got immunizations today so that's all over with,3 shots and one oral one. I got so much laundry done though not having to run around. I wish I had sick days like this more often. It was nice. I'm sure looking forward to the summer.
Still no word on Alaska Orders..

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Back to life!

We are both glad the excersice is over from last week. They have all the gates open and Steve is not as busy as he was last week when Audrey was gone. We bought a new vacumn the 2nd one this year, it's funny we go through vacumns fast. We bought one before we moved here and we are on the 3rd one within the last 2 yrs. I guess we like to clean.

The weather here has turned so nice, soon beach weather! Kylor is acting sick and last week Orion had Strep so I'm sure he passed on the love to Kylor and hopefully we don't all get it. Quinn is getting so big. I can hardly believe how fast he's grown, he's babbling alot, he's happy most times, tommarrow he will not be, Shot time! He's rolling around alot now, front to back and back to front...He's so cute and reminds us alot of when Kylor was a baby. Orion was good today he fell asleep on the sofa this afternoon. I'm sure he's still recovering from his illness.

Still no word on Luggage, but they should be calling soon. Yippy! Just glad they found it.

I decided to stay part of the ESC Enlisted Spouse Group committee though I've taken a smaller roll in it. Parlimentarian instead of the Welcome Committee, it should be much easier to do that job. All I do is ring a bell to keep the Meeting's going, I guess that's good since I like being on a schedule, and getting home at a decent hour.

No regular Schedule for Steve yet, he tests end of this month, so nothing new there. He may take a trip to Italy or Greece with some friends but that's yet to be planned. So life is good and we are happy and some are healthy.

For family members-- I'm sending out photo's of our Latest Family picture, so watch for them in the mail. Enjoy!

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Luggage in Rome

Terminal called they have located my luggage...Yippy! It's still in Rome and they'll have it sent here to my island...YAY!

Audrey and Quinn Italy Trip

Quinn on First Plane ride to Italy

High Way
Old Roman Aqueduct
Jen at Apple Bee's
Old House
Food that Jen made yummy! Soft Cheese is the greatest

Cornetto Ciocolcata and a Graffa from the Cafe
Hellen and Me by the CaraCombs in front of Jens Yard on base on Gricigano
Catacombs found under NEX's in the floor...this was cool!
Capodichino Base, Naples

We'll Quinn and Audrey left for Italy Wednesday morning for a short hop to Italy and see family. I brought Along Hellen a friend from Azores. We were so happy to be able to go to Italy. We basically shopped till we dropped there at the Navel base Gricignano, we hit a local mall Ipercoop Medi Mall, so much fun we drove around and saw so many cool things...We were not able to see as much as we'd like but it was such a short trip that was expected. We had some really italian food, and it's so good. A Chocolate drink called Cacao, and a good italian sandwhich. It was nice to visit with family, Steve's Bro Jer and wife Jennifer. It was the first taste seeing family for Quinn, it was nice. I was able to buy a car seat there for Quinn, and eat at a Applebee's it was good. Talking to the Italians was a highlight for me, meeting people from all over the world is fun, they have neat accents. I even picked up a few words too...Coming back was even more eventfull than planned the plane on air conditioning problems..we lucked out cause the Rotator's contracted Company paid for the ride home,food, night stay ..We stayed in the Capa terminal until they decided what to do with us. We took a 2 hour detour to Rome on Bus, then stayed in the Hilton had dinner it was so fancy, I felt a little out of place since I felt like we were camping, we had such a short notice. Then from there flew from Rome airport to Lisbon(4 hour layover) Lisbon they lost my luggage and time was short there too, I picked up a few gifts from their shops, from Lisbon to Horta (3 hr layover) on the island of Faial another Azores island. Then home. Quinn ran out of gas drops in Lisbon, that was ruff, he was so gassy. When we got to Faial Hellen took a Taxi sighseeing and picked up some for me. I was so exhausted from flying taking care of Quinn and lack of sleep and food and exhausted about the worry from losing luggage I just stayed at the Faial terminal to freshen up and relax since we were pretty much rushing or waiting this whole trip. It was a trip full of Highs and Lows, but it was so much fun...One we got back on the island we were able to file a claim for them to track my luggage, The lady told me it happens often and it should be found without problem...(I sure hope so) luckily I had 2 other bags I packed stuff in.
Hellen had a great time and I'm so glad she was able to go with me. She's a good Shopping buddy now and we certainly bonded on this trip. Jer and Jen are so lucky to live in Italy where we have so many historical things there. I wish we were able to see more things there but we plan on going first part of May with the whole family that trip will be a 2 week trip and we'll tour Rome more, we wanted to see the Colosum so badly that night we were there but it was 60 eruo one way taxi trip for a 1/2 hr ride there, Hellen saw it from the Plane when we left.
Steve was home and having the base excersice Work was crazy for him and odd hours, so he thought it was good I was not around to have to deal that with. Ky and Orion were with friends or Nannies when Steve was working. I got home from Trip Saturday evening about 5pm the boys were so excited but I had to tell Kylor no large kinder eggs my bag was lost....stay tuned