Monday, March 30, 2009

Thoughts on Marriage!

Seem's like when you first get married things are fresh and new and you think that life will be perfect just because you have each other, as the years go on, and as children come into that family unit you start to realize how much work it really takes. The newness wear's off and you realize that sometimes this just is not what you wanted out of life and how you didn't think life would throw you some punches, and some of those punches you wish you could avoid. I am very greatful to have a great husband, We are having a diffucult time right now. I'm so greatful for the Gospel in my life. I've had to rely on faith a great deal lately, I'm not sure what the future hold for us or what will happen. All I know is that I love my husband and want to be with him forever and always. I love my family. I sometimes wish life was a little easier, and I could get a break from trials, but apparently this is not the case, so I just keep going and I will never give up!

Crazy Cousins Outting To Desert Star Theater in SLC

We girls all went together and saw "AmericanFork Idol" it was great, sorry the picture was the the clearest. This is the group of Aunts & cousins here it's so great to see my aunts and cousins we try to get together once every couple months...I am starting to really appreciate living closer to family. They really have given so much support during this difficult time for our family. Love you all!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Loving Super Mario Galaxy on the Wii!

I have to admit it, I love the Wii, I feel slightly addicted to it, not to mention Ky and Orion are always asking me to play it, I do most of the playing on that game but they are right there will me cheering me on each step of the way. We have gotten 31 stars on Super Mario Galaxy, I've not been this hook. I really have a good time playing it! It's challenging so it's that much more fun to test myself and get the levels passed.
Tonight was such a clear night sky, I took a minute to myself around mid night and took a drive. When I got back, I looked up and saw the beautiful Stars outside the sunroof, When ever I look out there in space, the first thing that usually crosses my mind is how pretty it is. I found the Constillation Orion, the same one that we named Orion after. I still remember talking to Steve while we were still dating and saying that one day we'll name one of our sons Orion, that is a good memory. I love the Stars there is something magical about looking out into the heavens. I can't wait for more clear nights like these ones where I can go out and have more minutes to myself.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Quinn Dr App. 17 Mo

Today was a busy day. Quinn went to the Dr. he's now 25 lbs and 31.5 inches, weight (55%) height (45%) and his head size (70%) he's got some brains in there. He's growing well. He was up last night 5am for an hour, I think those molars are bugging him. He didnt eat much today either. He's very active and was running all over the clinic, not bad when your in a hurry. He got one shot. I then went from there to Daisy's Dog training and Quinn went to a sitters for an hour while I did that. I picked up Orion from school and his teachers said that he's now writing his name all by himself and he's doing really good. His teacher said he's a sweetheart. I tells me he likes school and seems happy when he goes. I'm so glad and I've noticed a definate difference in his attitude at home too. I love it! We had Barb the family theripst come over she has not come in a while we are down to 1x a month just to check on things and see how it's going. That meeting went well. She has alot of good advice for me and our situation. It's helped me out alot, just talking to people and getting out my feelings on things.
This afternoon after Kylor got Homework done, we played the Wii together, They boys like me playing Super Mario Galaxy, it's a hard game but they cheer me on and we passed alot of levels and we were all so excited!!! I've never been the big game player, but I have to say I love playing it, we played for almost 2.5 hours, It was sad. I lost track of time and I had to hurry out the door to FHEN at 6:30to the church and that was a great time there. That was my day today, it's never boring around here. oh yeah HAPPY GREEN DAY!

Monday, March 16, 2009

Brotherly Love!

Quinn just loves is brothers and they love him. Quinn is so cuddly and he'll lay on anything that he wants to cuddle with. Kylor was nice and let him sit on him. They were watching a show together. It's so cute to see how loving they are towards each other. These are the moments that make parenting worth while.

Disney on Ice

Saturday I was able to take the boys to Disney on Ice in SLC, I took Orion and Kylor, Quinn stayed behind with Gma, My sister Kaylyn and her three girls went and we all sat together it was alot of fun! We love Disney! We are really looking forward to June and we get to go to Disneyland with Steve when he comes home! Can't wait!!!
Pan & Tink Lilo & Stitch
"Tic Toc, Tic Toc"

Monday, March 9, 2009


I'm starting to love Sunday mostly cause I can come home from church and sleep. It's the perfect nap day. Today we had Stake Conf. We didn't go. I was not going to chase kids for 2 hours, I think maybe I'll try it next time. We stayed home, and had a lazy day the kids stayed in their Pjs all day long. I was able to take a nice relaxing bath while Quinn napped and then just read stories to Kylor. We took a trip to the library yesterday and got some new books. I don't see how wih everything I'm doing I still have the chance to get board. I really am getting spring fever!!!!!! I'm so ready.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Orion's funny comment

We were driving in the car and Orion spotted a light pink catty (I believe it was a Mary Kay Car) He said "Mom a pink car" He spotted it before me. I looked and saw it too~ he then laughs and says "That's girly".. The way he said it just had me cracking up. He says the funniest things!

Hilarious Movie!

Bolt Pictures, Images and Photos

I took the boys to the dollar theater to see this. I really have spring fever cause I'm wanting to get out and do things. I was brave and took all three by myself to the 7:15 showing. It was hard at first Quinn was tired, but luckily he feel asleep for me and didn't wake up until the end. The movie had me and the boys cracking up nearly the whole time. We loved it!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Playing in the back

This is a cute video of the kids playing in the back! It was a nice day, it was a bit cold but the sun did come out for a bit, so we took daisy with us for a walk around the block, the boys rode on their scooters and I had Quinn in the stoller then they played in the back yard for a while. That is the same rope swing their Daddy played on growing up, what a great thing! **Note:watch Daisy run around, she's hilarious, we all had a good laugh about her bouncing everywhere, she really wants to fly. When she jumps we were laughing so hard, she looks like a rabbit! Enjoy!**


Quinn is so cute! I love his smiles!

Our Good morning Greeters!

Thursday morning, I was getting the boys ready for school, we had our curtains open and I look up and see these 6 deer staring at me through the window, I had to get this on video they were so close. Kylor thought it was so neat! Kylor after they bounced away said he's so happy we are in Utah now, cause we have deer in our back yard.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Mommy and Me!

Orion and I flew a kite together yesterday! It was very windy, he was proud to hold it while it was up in the air. He threw it up to, and I flew it for a while. When he was holding it, I told him not to go to close to the big oak tree, but low and behold, he was running around and OH SNAP! the tree ate it. Orion cried & cried, Luckily the wind was blowing hard enough it actually helped it down. I should have taken pictures, but I had my hands full. Flying the kite and chasing Quinn. Quinn is all over the place now. He gets mad at me when I don't let him walk outside, he wants to B-line for the street, he's turning into a busy boy. The tantrums are starting Oh Me-Oh my! I thought I was through....nope here come Quinn almost 18 months now. 2 is not that far away, oh yeah, did I ever say 2 was easy compared to 3! I have a couple more years until I'm in the clear I know, I'm going to try and enjoy the insane time I have raising three busy boys!

Daisy the Dog

Our Puppy who is now 4 months old. She is attending puppy classes now. Mostly for socialization. I took her to the vet and to get groomed and she was mean to the strangers, she's very scared and so when she's unsure she clams up and gets very protective. I was holding her and someone tried to pet her and she growles, shows her teeth and probably will bite them, she's done it to me when she's been nervous.... not good. She's gone to two classes now at Petsmart and she's doing much better, she's ever better behaved at home, believe it or not. When Kylor was a baby we had a black lab. named Shadow, she was a great dog, we ended up giving her to some friends due to many reasons. I took Shadow to puppy classes to, and it was alot of fun. Lab's are great dogs! I think Daisy will get better as she learns some manners, next week I'm going to get her fixed, so that will help half of our problems! Those female hormones gotta love it! She's such a cute dog, I love her!

Kylor Starts Piano

Tuesday was Ky's first piano lesson, he was excited! We met his teacher and she's really nice. She seems to work great with Kylor which is so important, she made it fun. He has 4 books to work out of each week. He goes 1x a week for 1/2 hr. I'm very excited that he's happy to finally get to go to Piano!

Monday, March 2, 2009

Latest in the crazy house~

Today was a nutty day! It was Sunday, it's alwasy a challenge to get me and the boys out to church on time, so I've decided it's more important that I get us there than worry about being few minutes late. Our church is at 9am and it's a trick it get everyone ready including myself out the door. I do find I have better weeks when I go though. I'm attending the Family relations class, and I have to say it's helping me have a better perspective on things. We have gone over communication and how we have different personalities and communicate differently. I have enjoyed the teachers in that class.
Kylor paid his tithing willingly for the first real time today. Always before he wanted to take it back cause it's "his" but he paid tithing on his chore money and he was happy to do it. I was very proud of him. He's growing so much, he's a gentlemen too, opening doors for other people at church. He's a great kid!
*I have say now that we are approaching our 4.5 month mark since we left the island and started living separate lives, I'm really tired of having Steve gone. I miss him so much, and it's really hard raising the boys without him, it really takes to to share the work load in a family, I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed of my responsibilities and I don't think June will come quick enough* sometimes I think what the heck were we thinking!!!!???? but I know in the end it will be ok and what happens is for our better, it's a growing time for us. *