Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Counting my Blessings!!!!!

One quote that has made an impression in my life this past month that has been shared to me by two important men in my life....

True Colors of individuals will always surface, it may be immediately, or it may take years to surface, they will however surface..

This is a time in my life to shine, I'm trying to Shine brightly above the dark clouds and starting to feel at ease and in balance again. Life is a roller coaster and you never know what tommarrow will bring you or anyone of us. So love those who you love and keep your friends close. I've learned so much these past weeks and I know that blessings are being poured down on me and my boys. It's nice to remember that no matter what, there is a God who loves all of his children.
I've been reading alot in my books and it's amazing how much wealth of knowledge there is out there, I just want to learn all that I can....I can't get enough of it.

One day I know I'll look back on this small period of time in my life and think wow, I did it! I'm taking one day at a time, and finding joy in the simple things that life brings.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Saturday, October 10, 2009


Ok, a question for men out there? Why do men just want one thing from me? Do I just have that look or what? Any why do they like my Ass so much????
I really would like to find a man who can appreciate my strengths and weaknesses. A man who can lift me higher and love me for me. I want to find a love that is unconditional and a man who will be there for me through it all. Until then I'm going to be single and free, finding myself after a divorce and all the things that you go through, the thoughts, the feelings the laughter and the tears. I'm amazed what a turn this year has brought my life and to my boys. Never in my life would I have thought I would be in this position, a single mom of 3 boys. I'm in the position I'm in for a reason, I'm still searching for that reason, I know it's going to make me stronger and I'm learning alot through this process. There is alot of depth to me, so I hope to find someone who is similar. I'm a strong woman I know, but even strong womean have a tuff time dealing with tuff situations...
I'm blogging this just cause its good for me to express myself.
My boys have to be my focus, I'm trying to find hobbies and things to fill my time to fill my emptiness, there is alot the world has to offer, and I don't want that. I don't want to be lost anymore than I've already been. I'm searching for the peace that I felt before. I'm doing alot of soul searching and been in my head alot, that's a hard place to be. Sifting through the dirt of my life.
I'll be good, I just needed to get these thoughts out there. Thanks for reading!

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Reflective Thoughts

Wow, Some of the things I've done....Divorce has a way of changing you and how you view the world. I've been sifting through my thoughts and feelings on my life. And here is the quote that fits me the most:

Life is a funny thing, just when you think you have everything figured out, something happens and you realize you know nothing, then the growth comes when you work and strive to figure it out all over again.
I've learned a few life lessons this month and I'm going to continue to learn so I can be that much better at being me.

I've been focusing on being a better mom and loving the boys and teaching them good values, and playing with them to keep them smiling! They are growing so fast. I remember when they were babies and just feels like yesterday, but it's not and time just goes by....and will continue too, so I'm going to enjoy these moments with them and enjoy watching them grow.
As the seasons change in the weather, seasons change in our lives....and we just need to roll with the punches take the good with the bad and learn what it is we need to learn. There are no accidents and everything has it's purpose, it all happens for a reason.