Thursday, January 15, 2009

Oh what I have been up to?

Nothing new or exciting has happened in my world. We've had a round of that Stomach flu that going around, I got sick on Sunday, the Orion, then Tuesday Kylor started, Quinn so far has just been fussy and not sleeping well, he's the only one that's not thrown up. It's nasty! I'm now working two days a week. Wednesday and Friday's only. It's an ok Job, it gives me a break. I'm going to look into Head Start for Orion today maybe this spring or atleast this fall he should be starting...we'll have to see what they tell me.
Steve is settled into his apartment now in Korea, things are busy for him but we are doing much better than before with all the stresses of this transition. It's not been easy on our marriage to say the least. I know we are growing alot from this experience though. I was going to go out in April for a 2 week visit, instead I'll be going out in September for our 9th year Anniversary and Steve and I will be traveling to another location for a week or so, we are looking into Thailand, Phillipines, Singapore, or another Asian area that we can explore and soak up in some culture and relax. Those locations are cheap too, which will be easy on our budget. We have alot of stretching and growing to be done in 2009~
I've really am trying harder to balance out my time between the kids and still find time for me. It's a constant juggle and some days I'm left with no energy at all or Sanity for that matter. I love my boys and I'm learning how to be a better mom in this process.
Have a great Day!

1 comment:

HaYn Mama said...

So sorry I didn't return your message. I've been running around like a chicken without a head and my phone has been being a jerk to me. It won't hold a charge to save my life and it does this weird connected to the computer thing. So to answer your question... we have play group on Wednesdays at 10am. I never go because I just can't seem to ever remember. I'll email you with the address and her phone #.

I'm so glad that things are better with you and your hubby. Being a military wife can sometime suck! But those trials can make us stronger as wives, mothers, and daughters of God!!!