Sunday, January 18, 2009

My Day

Got an Oil change on base today and this picture was taken at the BX while we were passing sometime, at one of the stands there a Korean woman worked at she got to talking to me, she was very nice and gave each of the boys a fish that plays music and lights up. I bought a Jade neckace pendent from her as well. This was my first time to the BX since we moved away in 2006.
I also went to a friends Baptism tonight, it was nice, I love watching the change that comes into peoples lives when they fully accept and live the gospel teachings. It really can change lives for the better. Even myself as a member can gain from their new energy and strength in finding the truth. As one of my old Seminary teachers would always make us say "THE CHURCH IS TRUE, I LOVE YOU, and I'M A CHILD OF GOD NO MATTER WHAT!"

1 comment:

Bethany said...

Hey! I'll be coming to Utah this summer. I'd love to meet your kids and have you meet mine. It has been way too long, so I'd love to hang out when I'm there.