Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Quinn Dr App. 17 Mo

Today was a busy day. Quinn went to the Dr. he's now 25 lbs and 31.5 inches, weight (55%) height (45%) and his head size (70%) he's got some brains in there. He's growing well. He was up last night 5am for an hour, I think those molars are bugging him. He didnt eat much today either. He's very active and was running all over the clinic, not bad when your in a hurry. He got one shot. I then went from there to Daisy's Dog training and Quinn went to a sitters for an hour while I did that. I picked up Orion from school and his teachers said that he's now writing his name all by himself and he's doing really good. His teacher said he's a sweetheart. I tells me he likes school and seems happy when he goes. I'm so glad and I've noticed a definate difference in his attitude at home too. I love it! We had Barb the family theripst come over she has not come in a while we are down to 1x a month just to check on things and see how it's going. That meeting went well. She has alot of good advice for me and our situation. It's helped me out alot, just talking to people and getting out my feelings on things.
This afternoon after Kylor got Homework done, we played the Wii together, They boys like me playing Super Mario Galaxy, it's a hard game but they cheer me on and we passed alot of levels and we were all so excited!!! I've never been the big game player, but I have to say I love playing it, we played for almost 2.5 hours, It was sad. I lost track of time and I had to hurry out the door to FHEN at 6:30to the church and that was a great time there. That was my day today, it's never boring around here. oh yeah HAPPY GREEN DAY!

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