Monday, March 2, 2009

Latest in the crazy house~

Today was a nutty day! It was Sunday, it's alwasy a challenge to get me and the boys out to church on time, so I've decided it's more important that I get us there than worry about being few minutes late. Our church is at 9am and it's a trick it get everyone ready including myself out the door. I do find I have better weeks when I go though. I'm attending the Family relations class, and I have to say it's helping me have a better perspective on things. We have gone over communication and how we have different personalities and communicate differently. I have enjoyed the teachers in that class.
Kylor paid his tithing willingly for the first real time today. Always before he wanted to take it back cause it's "his" but he paid tithing on his chore money and he was happy to do it. I was very proud of him. He's growing so much, he's a gentlemen too, opening doors for other people at church. He's a great kid!
*I have say now that we are approaching our 4.5 month mark since we left the island and started living separate lives, I'm really tired of having Steve gone. I miss him so much, and it's really hard raising the boys without him, it really takes to to share the work load in a family, I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed of my responsibilities and I don't think June will come quick enough* sometimes I think what the heck were we thinking!!!!???? but I know in the end it will be ok and what happens is for our better, it's a growing time for us. *

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