Saturday, March 21, 2009

Loving Super Mario Galaxy on the Wii!

I have to admit it, I love the Wii, I feel slightly addicted to it, not to mention Ky and Orion are always asking me to play it, I do most of the playing on that game but they are right there will me cheering me on each step of the way. We have gotten 31 stars on Super Mario Galaxy, I've not been this hook. I really have a good time playing it! It's challenging so it's that much more fun to test myself and get the levels passed.
Tonight was such a clear night sky, I took a minute to myself around mid night and took a drive. When I got back, I looked up and saw the beautiful Stars outside the sunroof, When ever I look out there in space, the first thing that usually crosses my mind is how pretty it is. I found the Constillation Orion, the same one that we named Orion after. I still remember talking to Steve while we were still dating and saying that one day we'll name one of our sons Orion, that is a good memory. I love the Stars there is something magical about looking out into the heavens. I can't wait for more clear nights like these ones where I can go out and have more minutes to myself.

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