Thursday, December 4, 2008


***Steve made it safe and sound to KOREA*** He called this morning and told me he'll probably be living off base all the housing is condemed so he's going house hunting after he gets some much needed sleep. I'll post some pictures as soon as we get some.
I found out today our friends are having triplets....they don't have kids yet and they are, well expecting their first 3 all at once. Congrats to them!!!! I'm so excited for them at the same time shocked! What a blessing....
Last night I had the boys create there "Dear Santa" lists, I explained to them that Santa can't bring everything they want but it's fun to want things...Kylor was happy that he'll be getting even some of the things on his list...Orion we'll he doesnt really want much other than a scooter, simple pleasures. With the economy in a mess and seems like everyone is down sizing there wants more for needs. I think this is a wonderful thing. We are so spoiled as it is... It's time to keep it simple and count our many blessings each day.
I've been working out and I'm going to try and loose a bunch of my baby weight by doing a cleanse/ detox come January...

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