Monday, December 29, 2008

Night Out!

Saturday, I went out with my Sista in law and some friends to a Mexican dance club in SLC, There was 6 of us who went. It was great! I learned to dance the Cumbia, a traditional mexican dance...It was so much fun!... I miss hearing Portuguese language, so being surrounded by Spanish speakers was cool! I haven't stayed out that late since I was in my early 20s, I didnt get home until 4am, it was a blast!

Steve found an apartment and will move in Jan 6th, he's excited! He's busy with work so he's tired all the time. This distance between us is very difficult. We all miss him so much. Hopefully once he's in his own apartment and has access to internet and phone we can have more contact.
Kylor tonight said, I want to be in the Air Force when I get older, I asked him why, his response was "because Daddy is", He look's up to his Daddy so much. He then told me he wants to get married and have 4 kids too. He's cute! He's growing up so fast.

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