Friday, December 26, 2008


Today was a great day! I was ready for Christmas to come believe it or not! The kids wrote Santa letter's early in the month and they had fun with that. Santa didnt' bring everything they wanted of course but they got plenty of gifts, and that made them happy. It was great to see their reactions and Yes! Our boys beleive in Santa's part of the Magic at Christmas~ I've forgotten how nice it is to spend Christmas around family. It's been two years since we've been in UT for Christmas and WOW! Steve was able to video conference with us in the morning and the kids were able to show Daddy some of their gifts they got. It was nice to see his face and he even got a Christmas gift from his roommate, some Chinese balls, they looked neat from wat we could see. The kids got some sleds so in the afternoon I took the kids outside and we had a blast! Orion was cold so he didnt last long, but he had fun.
I took some good pictures so click on the link down to the right (our Pictures link) if you want to see more.

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