Saturday, December 20, 2008


It's been snowing alot! I've gotten the kids their first pair of winter boots. We've never had to get them those in the past. They enjoy going outside and playing in the snow, they get cold though. The roads today were bad so I was able to use the 4 wheel drive that was fun. I can really feel a difference once it's on. We've had a constant stream of storms move through and they say this winter is going to be a bad one. Lucky us! I miss the warmth of the AZORES! I also miss my friends back there. Things are going fine, here in my little world, I've been trying to stay busy. The kids have had a nasty stomach flu bug so I've been having late nights and I've been doing laundry much. Poor Guys! I think we are over the most of it though. Tonight Orion flooded and clogged the bathroom sink with toothpaste, he was supposed to be in bed....I had my mother-in-law help me take the plumbing apart so we could clean it out. I walked in there and there was water everywhere. AHHH! I was going to take a picture, he had his Pj bottoms in the water saying he was trying to get them dry....funny boy, I sent him off to bed again and cleaned up the mess.
I don't hear much from Steve, his emails are few and far between, he says work is really busy.


Amberlee Conser said...

Burrr! Merry Christmas!

Hardy's said...

Hey my parents say hi and that you have a beautiful family!