Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Family Pix


HaYn Mama said...

Oh your fam pix turned out so wonderful.

I'm so sorry I never called you back... like a month ago about the card making at Sheana's. We had a crazy week (Piko went to the ER)and I didn't even go. She just pcs'd to Cali.

I use Photoshop to digi scrap. Visit to find out what you need to do. They have a free how-to e-book on that site.

I hope you had a great time with your hubby and your fam for thanksgiving.

Bethany said...

The family shots are fantastic. Love them.

Maurine Lee said...

Wow - Quinn doesn't even look like a baby anymore! Nice family pics

Bryan Carlson said...

You guys have adorable kids! I can't believe how big Quinn looks! I have been trying to get a hold of you, if you get a minute, give me a call!