Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Spring Break!

This week is a good one. Monday took the Kids to a candy factory and we saw how they make all kinda of different candy, we got to sample fresh taffy yummy! My sis Kaylyn and her 3 girls also went too. Kylor is now stuck on Cinnamon gummy bunnies! He loves them.
I took Orion the the eye Dr. to check his eyes checked out and he has a slight stigmatism and a little far-sighted, the Dr. seems to think he'll out grow it and won't need glasses for it, but we'll test it again once he starts reading.
I took the boys to the park last night and this time I didn't take the stroller, I literally was chasing 3 kids around, Quinn was loving the ducks and laughed at them, I'm glad Ky and Orion pretty much know how to stay on the playground cause, I was chasing Quinn, he doesn't just walk around, he was running everywhere. It's kinda nice, I don't have to worry about him being left behind, he knows how to keep up just fine.
Orion still picked me my favorite flowers, dandilions, he's my outdoor boy and always wants to play outside. It's nice to have good weather! Just think a few more months and it will be summer YAY!

1 comment:

HaYn Mama said...

Thanks for your sweet comment Audery. It seems that all is well with you and the boys. How fun that you got to do so much this week with your boys. I've been just a mess trying to get my house back in order and the more I try to organize the more of a mess I seem to be creating, ha! Can't wait to have my house in ship shape.

Have a wonderful Easter!!!