Sunday, April 5, 2009

179th General Conference notes:

Today was a great day! I was able to attend the Sunday Morning session with my Mom and a few of her mission friends, she got tickets from my aunt who is in the Tabernacle Choir. We got seats in the lower right section and those of you who have been in that huge building know how cool that is. I took some notes so here goes I'll paraphase, I couldnt right that fast, I did the best I could.
Deter F. Uchdorf- Atonement and plan of redemtion, finding happiness and joy during these hard times. The place to find lasting happiness is through the gospel of Jesus Christ. It unlocks the door to true happiness. Happiness doesn't come from man, it comes from the Creater himself. The more we feel the spirit the more we will extend ourselves to others, and become more forgiving, peacemakers, etc. Apply and reapply the gospel prinicples everday. Knowing the seed is good is not enough, we must nurish it and Disciplship is a jouney and doesn't just happen over night. It is to accept Gods will and not just our own. Now is the time to come together in our Marriage and families and embrace the gospel and all that it teaches. The Gospel refines us and helps us learn from our mistakes. Atonement has the power to make us whole again when we are willing to REPENT! We see ourselves just for today, Heavenly Father see's us Forever. Start where you are, it's never too late. Walk in his way, the Savior will be on ourside helping us through.
~Neil C. Anderson (the newest General Auth) "The Lord will shape the back to fit the burden" He talked about it's our responsibility to keep our covenants and it ill be a badge of honor throughout Eternity. Remeber who we are, we are not alone in our desires to do good. Plead to the Lord on what we should be. All we are and all we will ever be we ow to our Lord and Savior.
~Steven E. Snow- talked about change and how to get through or over come the challenges with change in our life. 4 points he talked about Follow the Prophet & Keep and eternal prespective, this our time for testing and to test our Have faith : more forward in faith and faith and doubt cannot exsist together one will dispell the other Be of good cheer! There is change that may come to our lives that is not welcome, unemplyoment, death, divorce. The point is accept those changes and get on with our lives he was saying.
I loved Jefferey R. Holland talk about those who are alone, due to different reasons, I can relate to this I've felt very alone this year. He talked about The Atonement and Even Jesus felt alone at the time his friends and apostles should have been standing beside him. We don't have to feel alone we have the Savior with us. "I will not leave you comfortless" The Savior taught. The session closed by our beloved Prophet he talked about three different early Pioneers who left their homeland to go to Zion, the stories were very touching the best part I like what this quote "The Future is as bright as your Faith"
I just got done reading the best book it's called the "PEACEMAKER" it was a great book. I've learned alot from reading it, it's one my bishop suggested I read. It relates bible stories to experiences in a family and marriage. It's one I'm going to keep reading over and over. There is alot of depth to that book, I still am thinking about what I've read and I finished it two nights ago. I believe in eternal families, and I'm so greatful for the blessing of the gospel in my life. I've had my faith tested, but I'm glad I've been able to repent and come back to where I know I should be. Love is a power thing. I can't even begin to see how much Our Father in Heaven loves us. I can only imagine, he's given us so many ways to get back to him, if only we listen and follow his teachings. I really enjoyed this conference weekend.

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