Friday, April 24, 2009

Adventures at Classic Skating

Tonight was a fun night! Orion's school had an activitiy at Classic skating! I had the boys take their scooters they didnt want to skate, Orion did try it but was frustrated so it was back to the scooter. I was able to roller skate and take Quinn on the floor in the stroller, it was lots of fun! I'm so happy to see the kids riding their scooters, they just love them. They are getting so big its not even funny! I lost Orion twice, so when I was not skating I was looking for him. He is fearless. The first time I had his name paged and he showed up, he was over by the jumping castle area, I was looking for him for almost 10 mins. Scared me to death! The second time it was when the lights were dark, towards the end of the evening and I spotted him walking towards me, I asked him where his scooter was and he said "Out by the car" I said you are kidding me! He said no it's out by the car, I asked him if he had gone outside and he said yes. I couldn't believe it. I put my skates away and we went out to the car and sure enough it was there laying on it's side. He said he was tired and wanted to go. Orion is so independent it's almost scarey at times. I had a good talk to him about not leaving the building when we go some where. I still amaze myself at times, that I'm even crazy enough to take all three boys alone to a place like that. I guess if I didn't we'd be stuck home all the time and we'd miss out on alot of fun. All the stress is worth it.
Can't get enought to drink!
Orion's having fun!
Kylor showing me his trick he learned tonight!
Orion taking a break!

Kylor saw his friend that's in his school class Kiandre, they hung out alot of the night!

1 comment:

april said...

uhmm .. random search .
i mean , there's a search bar above people's blogs on blogspot . i always click the "next blog" to read other people's blog cause some seems interesting :)
and , i found yours interesting , so i followed your blog .
uhmm .. i don't think you know me , cause i don't know you either . but i'd like to follow your blog if you let me :)
