Thursday, April 23, 2009

A fun day!

Today I got home in a hurry I needed to go pick up my mom from the Airport, I asked Kylor if he had gotten his homework done, and he said yes "I did it on the bus" I was like what? I was suprized that he did that, he usually does it at home at the desk. I guess he got the idea from other kids. I reviewed it and it was done perfect, answers were all correct! I told him, ok that's great you can do it on the bus as long as it's done and you do your best, he still needs to read the reading section to me though.
We picked my mom up and dropped her off, We hung out at their house and they have a fun house, they have chickens and pigeons and I took the kids for a ride on the lawn mower tractor, it has a trailer too, the kids sit in the wagon part. I let Kylor and Orion sit on my lap and drive. They have baby chicks that just hatched this week, so Kylor and Orion held one, Quinn wanted to squeeze it's head so I helped him gently pet it. Quinn's become such a little tiger! We just hung out for a while before we headed home. It was nice to just relax after having to run around all day! Wednesday's are my busy days, since I drop off and pick up Orion from school, I work too, so I take an extended lunch and do alot of running around mid day.
I've been running after I put the kids down to bed the past week or so I'm starting to train for the 5k on July 4th, plus it's a great stress reliever to get out and just run!

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