Monday, August 31, 2009

What a Day!

Life will happen so let it happen, this is what happened today. I was almost ticketed for speeding on my way to my soccer game I was going 84 in a 65, good thing I have a good record thats the reason why I got out of it. What a blessing! I have been doing alot of thinking about my life and music is helping me see where I'm headed. Orion woke up with a severe ear ache I took him to the Dr. and he's got Swimmers Ear, yuckky! poor guy he's in alot of pain, he has meds now though so much better. I took the boys to the park and we fed the ducks, they had a good time, Orion played but he was exhausted when we were done there. I thought we would spend some quality family time together, earlier this week, Kylor had a bad day so I spent that night writing love notes to each of the boys. I really love them so much, I'm juggling alot with them, but I so love them, it's the fog that sometimes makes it hard, but then I re-focus and then I'm good for another week. The Fog I referred to is everything I need to do. I'm just trying to be super Mom somedays so I need to take it easy I know...But Mom's work never complete when you see all that needs to get done...LOL!!!

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