Friday, August 21, 2009

I have a Job now what?

Wow have not posted for a while. Life has but so crazy, I thought it was crazy before, boy was I wrong!!!! I got a job collections, I know lovely, but it's income, I need money more than anything right now, My other wants are on hold until I can figure out this single Mom stuff. My new stress is dealing with 3 different schedules now that school is about to start again. Kylor is excited to Start school he gets to ride the bus and Orion starts head Start on the 9th of September. Quinn is starting to talk he said baby today and he said stop that yesterday, he's learning to say lots of new things each day. I can't beleive how much life has changed for me. I love my boys so much, they are growing so fast and I know the recent changes have been hard on them, I'm exhausted and worn out all the time, but somehow I have the strength to keep on going, I have no idea how I'm managing it all. I've been keeping busy in my social life and it's great but I think I may need to slow it down a bit, sometimes too much fun can be overwhelming, I enjoy the quiet week nights though that's for sure, the weekends are a different story. I'm still taking one day at a time and trying to fugure it all out. It's going to take alot of time!!!!!!

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