Friday, July 10, 2009

What has happened lately?

We'll to make a long story Short, Steve came home from Korea on this mid tour and decided to file for Divorce. I was hoping that when he came home we could have mended some mis-understandings but he had already made up his mind.
It was of course heart breaking for us. I'm still trying to make since of the situation. I know I must be strong and continue to tell the boys their Dad loves them, but they do feel bad about it. The boys and I have moved into a nice Apartment to start a new life for ourselves. I've been busy with the move, and getting the kids settled and starting to register them for their schools and keep up a postive attitude for them and myself. It's not easy though. I know I am being watched over and there is a great peace that has been with me, though the pain and loss is sometimes unbearable. I'm sorting through those feelings you go through when something this drastic happens. I'm doing good though. We dropped off Steve to the Airport on the 9th and the kids seem to have settled down and we can resume our transition back to it just being the 4 of us. Now that's it's become a perminant situation and not a temporary one. I have to be Strong so that is what I'm doing. Thanks for all your prayers. I'm so glad I have great friends and family to help me during this difficult time.


Bryan Carlson said...

luv you Audrey. Let me know if you need anything.

Maurine Lee said...

Hang in there, Audrey. You will have good days and bad days, but just keep taking it one day at a time.

Bethany said...

You're strong! But don't feel like you have to be so strong that you can't ask for help. I don't know what I could do long distance, but I'm more than happy to try!