Thursday, July 23, 2009

Settled in to our new place.

We'll It's been a few weeks since my last post. I'm sorry. Life has been a bit hectic, but I'm doing good. I've been on the job search, seriously apply everywhere. Things became a little complicated with working with family and hours were cut down to 6 hrs a week. It was just better than I stopped working and now my new job is Looking for a new JOB! The boys are enjoying their summer. I take them swimming nearly everyday. I've been going out alot with friends and making alot of new friends. I never knew how Divorce would effect me and all this time I was trying to avoid it. I feel a big weight has been lifted in ways and in other ways I feel the pressure of being an offical single Mom, just dealing with everyday struggles. I'm just taking one day at a time and know that things will and are going to be ok. I'm greatful for such great people in my life. I have the best friends and I love them so much! The boys are doing good. We are still adjusting into our apartment life, the boys have met some friends that live near us and we play with them at the pool. I would love to post some pictures but I've not had the chance to take any.

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