Friday, May 15, 2009

Kylor's School Birthday Lunch!

I had the chance to go and be Kylor's guest at school for his Birthday lunch. He was excited for me to come and eat with him. We ate and he got a gift, a book a treat and a pencil. He pointed out his friends to me and it was a nice little treat to have school lunch with him. I attended that same school when I was little grades K-6 so I have many memories in that Lunch room, it was a flash back in time for me! I went with him outside to his after lunch recess, it was neat to see him at play with his friends, When it was time for me to go, I waved him goodbye and he blew me a kiss and kept on playing. Kylor is such a great kid. I'm so blessed to have such a sensitive and loving son. He's going to be such a ladies man when he gets older. Sweet Sweet Kylor~!

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